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During a job interview, you're trying to prove that you're the most qualified candidate for the position, and everything you say and the way you look will help the interviewer determine whether or not they see you in that role.在面試的過程中,你會想盡辦法證明自己最有資格擔任這個職位。同時,面試官會通過的你言辭和儀表來判斷你能否勝任該職位。
In Vicky Oliver's book 301 Smart Answers to Tough Interview Questions , she identifies eleven things your interviewer is thinking while they're sizing you up:維姬•奧利弗在她的書《應對面試問題的301個機智回答》里面,總結了面試官評估你時會思考的11個問題:
1. Do I like her (him)?1、我喜歡她(他)嗎?
2. Will she (he) get along with her (his) bosses, coworkers, customers, suppliers, clients, and vendors? How will the notoriously difficult Sherri react to her (him)?2、她會和老板、同事、客戶、供應商、委托方還有銷售商和睦相處嗎?她(他)跟那個出了名難纏的sherri能處的好嗎?
3. Would she (he) be fine if she (he) would just take off those clogs (sneakers)? Who wears clogs (sneakers) to an interview?3、她(他)如果脫下木屐(運動鞋)會不會好點?誰穿木屐(運動鞋)來面試啊?
4. Does the candidate look like she (he) belongs at the company? Can I send her to meetings with confidence?4、這個應聘者看起來符合我們公司的形象嗎?我能信心滿滿地帶著她去參加會議嗎?
5. Is she (he) a "good value"? What does she (he) bring to the table?5、她(他)是支“潛力股”嗎?她(他)能為公司帶來什么價值?
6. I wonder if I can get her (him) to bring her (his) price down by $10,000?6、我能不能把她(他)的年薪減少10000美金?
7. Does she (he) have the right credentials for the position?7、她(他)有這個職位要求的相關證書嗎?
8. Is she (he) a risk or a little bit immature?8、雇傭她(他)會不會冒險,她(他)是不是稍顯稚嫩?
9. Can I see her (him) as a principle in X years?9、多年以后她(他)會成為公司的帶頭人嗎?
10. Is this a high-impact individual? Can she (he) make a difference here?10、她(他)是不是一個很有影響力的人?她(他)會不會在這里有所作為?
11. How does she (he) stack up against the other candidates that I've already interviewed for the job? Do I like her (him) more than the CEO's nephew?11、她(他)和其余我面試過的應征者比起來怎么樣?她(他)比執行總裁的侄子更得我心嗎?