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The 41-year-old Sandberg, who started her corporate climb at Google and now serves on the Starbucks and Disney boards, clearly stands out from the crowd. (She's No. 16 and rising on Fortune's Most Powerful Women list). Here's the gist of what she told us yesterday about what women need to do to ascend:今年41歲的桑德伯格是在谷歌(Google)公司開始步入職場升遷之路的,現在她還在星巴克(Starbucks)和迪士尼(Disney)的董事會中任職。桑德伯格顯然是個與眾不同的人物(她在《財富》雜志的“最具影響力女性”排行榜上排名第16,而且位置還在上升)。她向我們談到女性應該怎樣才能獲得成功,以下是談話要點:
1. Sit at the table. "Women systematically underestimate themselves," Sandberg said, noting that men typically attribute their success to themselves while a woman says, "So-and-so helped me." Part of the problem: For women, success and likability are negatively correlated, while the correlation is positive for men. Women get hung up on that.端正心態。桑德伯格說:“女人總是低估自己”。她指出,男人通常將他們的成功歸功于自身,而女人卻常說:“某某和某某都對我有幫助”。問題部分在于:對于男人來說,成功和可愛程度往往成正比;而對于女人來說,成功和可愛程度卻是成反比的。這往往阻礙了女人獲得成功。
2. Make your partner a real partner. Sandberg cited research that shows that in households where both the man and the women work, she does twice as much housework and takes on three times as much childcare as he does. Wouldn't the world be a better place if it weren't this way? Households with equal earning power and shared responsibility for kids and chore typically have half the divorce rate, Sandberg said. We've progressed further in the workplace than at home, she contends.讓你的另一半幫助你分擔家庭的責任。桑德伯格引述了一項調查,該調查顯示,在夫妻二人都工作的家庭里,妻子所做的家務活是丈夫的兩倍,為撫育孩子付出的努力更是達到了丈夫的三倍。如果女性不用這樣操勞,世界豈不是會更美好?桑德伯格指出,夫妻收入能力相當,且一同分擔家務和育兒責任的家庭,其離婚率只有平均值的一半。桑德伯格認為,女性職場地位的提高程度,要好于她們的家庭地位提高程度。
3. Don't leave before you leave. Young women don't look for the promotion -- resisting chasing the big job -- because they plan to have a family -- often, dream about a family years down the road. "Leaning back," as Sandberg calls this approach, can kill a promising career. All the more power to working moms. (Sandberg and her husband have two preschoolers.) "If you stop looking for opportunity, you're going to be bored," she said. "Once you have a child at home, your job needs to be challenging."離開之前不要放棄。年輕女性往往不追求晉升,不愿追求更高的職務,因為她們總是計劃組建家庭,甚至花好幾年時間憧憬家庭生活。桑德伯格稱,這種“后傾”心態可能會扼殺一份很有前途的事業。與全職母親相比,有份工作的母親更有干勁。(桑德伯格和她的丈夫育有兩個未到上學年齡的孩子。)“如果你停止尋找機會,就會變得很無聊,”她說,“一旦家里有了孩子,你的工作就需要有挑戰性。”