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If I were you, I would book a small order as a trial.如果我是你,我會小量試訂一批。
If I were in your position, I would allow partial shipment.如果我處在你的位置,就會同意分批裝運。
Why not buy a small lot and put them on trial?干嘛不小量買一批試試呢?
Why don't you look at it this way? It's more expensive, but much better value for money?為什么不這么看呢:它是貴了一點兒,但它物有所值啊。
I'd advise you to look into the matter immediately.我建議你立即調查這一事件。
I think you'd better weigh up the advantages carefully before rejecting our offer.我認為,拒絕我方報盤前,您最好先慎重權衡其有利條件。
I don't think you should miss this opportunity to update your equipment.我認為你不應該錯過這個更新設備的機會。
After you have tried it out, I'm sure you'll agree that this is a very good product.我相信您試用過后一定會認為這是個好產品。
I can't force you to make a deal, but I can assure you that our product has the edge on the competition.我不能強迫您買,但是我可以想您保證我們產品是很具有競爭力的。
You're right to be cautious, buy owing to the limited supply available at present, we suggest you act quickly.謹慎當然不錯,但是目前可供數量有限,建議您及早采取行動。
I don't want to sound pushy, but you'll have to decide soon.我不想讓您認為我在催您,不過你確實要快點下決定。
Do you understand that this offer is only open for three days?你要知道本報盤有效期僅為三天。
I understand your concerns, but remember that the offer ends next week.我理解您的擔憂之處,但是別忘了下周報盤失效。
You may trust me that any money spent now will bring you big profits in future.請您相信我,今天投入的資金以后會為您帶來巨大的利潤。
Could you think about our proposal again?您能否再考慮以下我們的建議呢?
Could you reconsider the matter in some other light / from a different angle?能否從其他角度重新考慮這個問題呢?
Isn't there any way to change your decision?有沒有辦法改變您的決定呢?