- 電話英文面試常見問題 推薦度:
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1.Tell me about yourself.
面試官常以這樣的問題開始。記得,他們想要聽到的是你的工作技巧,不是你的個人生活。不要說,“I was born inBeijing”“1 like to play computer games”或是“I have two brothers”。告訴他們有關你職業生涯的發展、你學到的東西或是你是如何獲得某些工作技巧的。
這個問題主要考察求職者的個性是否符合公司的企業文化,所以回答的時候要盡量貼近這個公司的情況來推銷自己的特點。比如這個公司是屬于汽車行業,那么你就該回答:“Driving is my hobby. I really love the feeling of running on the road and I take cars as my best friends.”總之是要找到自己跟這個公司的一個切合點,讓面試官了解你充分適合這個環境。
2.What are your three greatest strengths?
回答這個問題的時候不可以含混不清,不可以只是簡單回答“I' m really organized, punctual and get along well with others.”簡潔、精煉,找到這個公司所看重的特長,是回答這個問題的關鍵。比如要應聘金融行業,可是說:“I think my three strongest strengths are details-oriental, patient and cautious.”但是如果應聘者是一個銷售精英,可以說:“I thinkmy strongest strengths are aggressivehard working and communicative.”總之,需要考慮到應聘公司及職務的需要來選擇表現自己的優勢。
3.What are your three greatest weaknesses?
能夠為公司增值永遠是老板的最愛,老板都愿意找到一個了解、熱愛工作并能夠為公司創造價值的員工。所以不要很誠實地把自己的毛病暴露出來,而是要有策略地選擇一些能夠為自己加分的缺點。比如:“I am a perfectionist and I pay very much attention to details,Sometimes I am quite captious.”
4.Why are you interested in working for our company?
這個問題主要考察應聘者是否對這個工作進行了了解,或者是否真正有興趣,所以需要圍繞整個公司的具體情況,讓面試官知道你很清楚這個公司的運營模式,以及對這項工作非常積極。因此不要以“It seemed like a good career move”或是“I haven't been able to find anything else interesting”開始。記得雇主們想知道你能帶給公司什么。而不是公司能帶給你什么!
如果能有一些實際問題回答的話,就會有更大的加分,我們建議應聘者可以這樣:“I read an article in the newspaperand was very impressed by…”但是前提是你必須真的對這家公司作了研究,同時也要注意,不要讓面試官覺得你是為了討好面試官而言過其實,這樣只會適得其反。
5.Why did you leave your last job?
跳槽的原因可能是上一份工作非常糟糕,但是面試并不是適合抱怨的場合。千萬不要對現有或是過去的雇主或同事進行這樣的評論:“I didn't agree with the company's direction.”“I got no recognition for my work.”“My boss wastotally unreasonable. ”
我們建議要從自身發展的角度出發來回答:“I love my last job and really learned a lot from it, but I need a new platform and bigger space to make my career successful.”總之,要讓面試官知道,以前的公司在你的眼中并非一錢不值,你是懷著感激來評價他們的。
6.If we hire you, how long will you stay with us?
這個問題是老板想知道你會不會像離開上一份工作那樣很快地離開這里,你可以這樣回答:“As long as my position here allows me to learn and to advance at a pace with my abilities. ”這樣就告訴老板,你是希望同公司一起成長,不會輕易地離開。
7.Tell me about a time when you face difficulties.
8.Do you have any questions for me?
這也是一個面試中經典的結束問題,測試應聘者是否真正對這份工作真正有興趣與熱愛,此時應該詢問具體的問題以顯示應聘者非常了解該公司,對未來的工作有很多的期待和好主意,充分表示熱情。不要問那些你早就該知道答案的問題,諸如:“What does your company do?”或是“Could you tell me your name again?”應聘者一定要提前準備很多有關這令公司具體情況的問題,最好能夠涉及到他們業務上取得的成績,比如說:“I learned that your company has seen tremendous growth in recent years. I' m keen to know how you made such a success.”你需要表現出對這個公司濃厚的興趣,到了這時,基本上一張聘書就到手了。
1. Describe yourself as a person (write about your family background, what you like/dislike,what kind of friends you have and where you met them, what you like to do in your spare time, what type of teaching experience you are involved in currently etc.
2. What is your biggest concern in relation to your coming to America and how do you see yourself overcoming it?
3. Describe the way you think you will be spending your free time. Please refer to your free time after work, during your days off, etc.
4. What would you do if you have a problem/concern?
5. If you are having a problem at your host school, how would you address this situation to your supervisor?
6. Please let me know about your education background .
7. Please introduce your working experience .
8. How do you deal with the relationship with your students’ parents ?
9. How can you be an effective teacher in your class ?
10. Could you describe a class which you think was very successful?
11. If there are some students not following your class , how would you deal with this situation ?
12. How do you evaluate your students’ learning ?
13. How many students are in your class ?
14. If your students are at different levels , what would you do to achievement every student’s best outcome?
15. How do you do with the students whose parents ask for too much something ?
16. What do you think about teaching in a completely different country ?
17. Do you mind teaching the students who come from another country ?
18. What do you think is the most important factor to be a successful teacher ?
19. What would you do with the student who disturb your class ?
20. All the teachers will set up class rules. However, there are always students who disturb the class, what would you do with them?
21. Can you talk about what would you do to make every student experience success?
22. What would you do to help less motivated students who usually struggle with study?