基礎教育階段英語課程的任務是:激發和培養學生學習英語的興趣,使學生樹立自信心,養成良好的學習習慣和形成有效的學習策略,發展自主學習的能力和合作精神,使學生掌握一定的英語基礎知識和聽、說、讀、寫技能,形成一定的綜合運用語言的能力。我選擇的7B Unit4談論的是amazing things,話題圍繞我們身邊各種各樣令人驚訝的現象或事件展開,很容易引起學生的興趣并激發學生去了解更多令人驚訝的事情,并且在了解的前提下提高交流的.能力。
1. Comic strip & Welcome to the unit部分通過一部分不尋常的現象和事件,讓學生使用正確的形容詞來表達自己的感受和見解。
2. Reading部分給大家講了個故事,學完故事后要求學生掌握文中的語言點并能清楚的復述。
3. Vocabulary部分要求學生使用be fond of, be crazy about, like, dislike等來表達不同的喜好。
4. Grammar部分講解了一般過時的構成和用法,并要求學生能根據情境正確使用一般過去時談論過去的事件。
5. Integrated skills部分幫助學生了解更多動物的知識,要求學生從聽力材料中獲取相關信息并用自己掌握的信息使相關文章的意思表達完整,要求學生對驚訝、詫異的話作出恰當的反應。
6. Pronunciation部分要求學生掌握?-ed?結尾單詞的三種發音并正確區分和準確讀出。
7. Main task部分要求學生通過調查研究獲得事件信息并根據材料完成相關寫作。
8. Checkout部分設計了練習,讓學生在練習中鞏固詞匯和語法,理清寫作思路。
1. 知識目標
(1) To enlarge vocabulary.
(2) To understand the sentences.
2. 能力目標
(1) To understand the dialogue and get useful information.
(2) To use suitable adjectives to express feelings and opinions.
(3) To talk about amazing things according to the pictures.
3. 情感目標
(1) To develop team spirit and the ability of communication.
(2) To arouse students? interest in learning more amazing things.
(1) 重點
a. Vocabulary and phrases: amazing, yesterday, travel, Earth, moon, elephant, plant, strange, bright light, from Earth to the moon, a man in the USA, at the same time, plant life, without lightning.
b. Sentence patterns: It?s just a plane. It?s only the light on the plane. It takes about three days to travel from Earth to the moon by rocket. Fish sleep with their eyes open. You cannot sneeze and keep your eyes open at the same time. There is no plant life without liaghtning.
c. Know some amazing things and events.
(2) 難點
a. Help students improve their listening memory ability.
b. Use adjectives freely to talk about feelings.
c. Master so many new words.
1. 始終堅持任務型目標→導說領先→活動或討論→反饋或筆頭落實→環環相扣,逐步鋪墊。
2. 將綜合技能的部分提前,充實本課內容。
3. 設計小組討論的合作學習方式提高合作學習意識或能力。
運用多媒體課件,播放《長江七號》一段有飛碟有外星生物七仔的視頻,看完后,問學生:Who is it? (It?s 七仔.) What is it? (It?s an alien.) How can it travel here and there? (By UFO.)然后呈現一張UFO的圖,講解Unidentified Flying Object和生詞bright.問學生Is it amazing?用一個表情和兩張對比明顯的圖講解amazing的意思,這樣導入容易引起學生的興趣。
我說Yesterday, I was in Eddie and Hobo? home. They were talking about something. But they had different ideas. I recorded their dialogue. Listen carefully, and try to answer the
questions.因為這次上課的網絡環境,強調老師和學生的互動,所以我將這兩個很簡單的問題設置成選擇題,并且最后可以統計回答對問題的百分比。接下來,要求學生跟錄音朗讀模仿語音語調,為接下來的兩人對話做準備。下面要講Welcome to the unit了。為了自然承接,我說Eddie and Hobo are arguing about if the object is a UFO. Has anyone here seen a UFO before? There are many reports about UFO. You can have a look on your own.我做好了網頁,學生自己點擊。學生看完后告訴他們There are many other amazing, strange and surprising things around us.呈現A部分的六副圖和六句話,要求學生自己連線,將生詞做成超鏈接,分別有圖和直觀。在核對答案時,幫助學生糾正讀音并對學生提出的不懂的單詞稍做解釋。我再帶讀這六句話,為了下面對話的操練做準備。為了更多的小組和學生能夠有表演的機會,我將兩人對話改成四人小組對話,擴大參與面。
學生可能有些疲憊了,告訴學生我們將有個分組合作競賽。先講比賽規則,自由點擊我為大家找的更多的amazing things,有圖和一句話簡單的概括,并且生詞做了解釋。讓學生試著在理解的基礎上記憶。然后分小組合作,將反過來的圖正過來,說對最多的小組勝出。
給一幅Main task部分最高的人的圖和相關的簡介,填空完成文章,并小組合作核對,上傳答案。
Step 1.Begin this class . Greeting.
Step 2.Lead in the new lesson .
Step 3.Answer the questions .
Step 4.listen and read.
Step 5.listen and answer.
Step 6.Learn something important.
Step 7.Group work. In a small group , talk about your hobby and why you enjoy it . Then share it with our classmates.
Step 8. Class activity .
Take out a piece of paper ,write a short passage about your hobby .
Step 9.Homework.
Write your hobby in your exercise books.
Step 10、listen to music,End this Lesson .
我說課的內容是PEP Book 4 Unit 5 B Let’s talk.。主要從教材分析、教學策略、教學程序 、板書設計、教學評價等方面作具體的闡述。
本單元的話題是shopping. 購物與我們的生活息息相關,本課的知識點是大部分學生樂于學習和接受的,相信他們對本課的學習充滿期待。
[認知目標] 能夠聽、說、認讀本課時的主要句型:A pair of …for… What size? How much are they? We’ll take them.
[能力目標] 能夠跟錄音朗讀對話,并能分角色進行表演。能夠較好地完成Group work中的調查表格.
[情感目標] 通過活動、游戲使學生產生學習英語的興趣;讓學生敢于、樂于開口,積極參與交流。并讓學生在學習的過程中,培養他們的合作意識和競爭意識。
在仔細研究教材和分析學生的心理和生理特點的基礎上,我認為本課重點是掌握有關購物的句型:如How about this pair? Are they nice? How much are they? They are yuan.等價格的復數表達法。難點是A pair of …for… 中for的含義;What size? size的發音;We’ll take them. them 的發音以及理解這句話的含義。
導入設計、新課呈現、鞏固操練、拓展延伸以及課后作業五個環節。教育家托爾斯泰說過:“成功的教學所必須的不是強制,而是激發學生的興趣,興趣是推動學生學習的強大動力,是學生參與教學活動的基礎,激發學生的興趣是新課導入的關鍵。”“Well begun, half done”良好的開端是成功的一半。
第一環節 導入設計分三塊:
①唱一唱本單元的歌曲“The coat in the window”(How much is that coat in the window? )一首優美的英文歌,全班同學在教師的帶領下,邊拍手邊唱,營造良好的英語氛圍,使學生能自然地進入到一個良好的學習狀態中。
②Let’s do Put on your sneakers. Run in the park. Put on your sandals. Wiggle your toes. 通過TPR活動,讓全班學生能夠做起來,動起來。在復習舊知的基礎上為新課的學習起到一個呈上起下的作用。
③Free talking:What’s the weather like today? 聊一聊天氣,為后面創設明天開運動會,John需要一雙新的運動鞋的情境埋下伏筆。同時也營造一種民主、和諧、寬松的英語氛圍,為學生架設一座由中文思維向英文思維過渡的橋梁。
第二環節 新課呈現分兩部分:
① 利用課件,出示不同的鞋子,引出shoes shop。操練chant: sneakers , sneakers, a pair of sneakers , a pair of sneakers for my friend.
② 創設媽媽和John去鞋店買鞋的情境,教師扮演assistant,引出句型What size? How about this pair? Are they nice ? Are they all right?等等。
第三環節 鞏固操練分五部分:
①玩一玩,魯迅說過:“游戲是兒童的天使。”本節課我設計“我猜,我猜,我猜猜”的游戲來操練句型 How much are they? They are .
片,在黑板上制作一個簡易的鞋子商店,操練句型Can I help you? How about this pair? We’ll take them等
③聽一聽,聽課文錄音,完成教師提問A: What size? B: How much are the sneakers? 讓學生帶著問題去聽,養成良好的傾聽習慣。
第五環節 課后作業也是兩部分:
PEP Book 4 Unit 5 How much is it?
B Let’s talk
How about this pair?
Are they nice?
How much are they?
They are yuan.
綜觀整節課,為了達到新課標所要求的小學英語課程的要求, 我主要通過創設教學情景進行師生互動,充分激發學生學習英語的興趣,培養英語學習的積極態度,把情感、態度與價值觀目標的實現融合在知識與能力、過程與方法目標實現的過程之中,努力為學生進一步學習英語打下堅實基礎。
蘇霍姆林斯基說過:沒有也不可能有抽象的學生。因此,我們要鼓勵孩子們,讓他們知道“English, I can”.
That’s all. Thank you!
《Lesson21 Look at Your Hair》說課稿
Good morning ladies and gentlemen .I’m very happy to see you.Today I’ll
talk about Lesson21 Look at Y our Hair Grade 3 Hebei Education Press. I’ll talk
about this lesson with the following parts : Teaching Aims ,Teaching Procedures, Teaching
Methods and so on.
I Say teaching Aims
(1)Aims of knowledge
Let students grasp the main words: blond ,long 、short 、curly 、straight
And use the sentence structure :What colour is your
hair ?
My hair is ...to talk about the hair.
(2)Aims of ablity
Go on improving students’skills of listening ,speaking,reading and writing,especially develop
students’practing and creating ability.
(3)Aims of emotion
Make students more interested in learning English and develope good studying hobby.Make students enjoy learning ,taking part in ,competing and cooperating.
二、 說教學方法
1、說唱引入 激發興趣
歌謠能給學生創設一個開放寬松的環境,使學生懷著輕松愉快的心情投入學習,所以在熱身環節中我選擇歌曲《Head shoulders knees toes 》
2、創設情境 呈現新知
3、互動操練 及時評價
Say Teaching Procedures
(一)Class opening
1、 Let’s sing a song 《Head shoulders knees toes》
2、 Greeting:
hello ,boys and girls . How are you?
Today I’m very happy .Are you happy?
3、 Revision
(1) Words :cold、 hot 、warm 、cool
T: How do you feel?
S: I feel_____.
(2) Words: head 、arm、 leg、 hand、 foot.
Play Joining game, Review parts of the body.
(二)New Concepts
1、Words: hair、 long 、short、 straight 、curly
(1)T:(A barbie doll is in teacher’s hands.)Today I’ll
introduce a new friend : Anne .Look ! She is very beautiful.
T: (Point to Anne’s hair ) Now please look here.
What’s this? This is hair.
板書 hair The students read the word after teacher seveal times.
(2)Anne: I’m not beautiful. I want to be a barber.
Show powerpoint to learn words : long 、short、 straight 、curly
(3)Let students intrduce in their groups
This is______(long short straight curly) hair.
2、Word: blond
Sentences: What colour is your hair?
My hair is ______
(1)T: (Point to Anne’s hair ) What colour is Anne’s hair?
T: It’s blond
(板書:blond )
(2)T: What colour is your hair?
(Point to the student )
S: My hair is black.
Ask and answer in pairs.
(3)現在我們進行一次發型設計比賽,讓同學們為自己設計一個新發型,把它畫下來,可以把頭發染成自己喜歡的顏色。(并標明long short straight curly或顏色)
My hair is_______(long short straight curly) hair.
My hair is_____(colours)
(三)Class closing
Let’s sing 《If you’re happy and you know it》.
Draw a picture.為自己的媽媽設計一種好看的發型并標明long short straight curly和顏色,向媽媽介紹一下你的設計。
四 、板書設計
Lesson 21 : Look at Your Hair !
1 、long 2、What colour is your hair?shortMy hair is _______.
hair straight
1、四會掌握下列單詞和詞組voice ,term ,Asian, Europe, ,impolite, allow, public ,cough, smoke ,drop ,litter, pick?up, behave :
Would you mind doing this ?
Would you mind not doing that ?
Step1 warming up
教師做自我介紹。Hello,every one ! Nice to meet you here .etc.My name is ?..You can call me Miss Dong ,ok ?
Step 2 Pre-reading
Show the pictures
What are they doing ?引出本課的新單詞 smoke ,drop ,litter, pick?up, behave :,cough 等,
2.Look at the pictures
What rules of etiquette can you see being broken ?( 出示幻燈,要求學生分組列舉,指出一個積一分,最后累計)
1) Dropping litter on the bus .
2)Smoking on the bus .
3)Talking loudly on the mobile phone.
4)Spitting on the bus .
5)Talking and laughing loudly on the bus
3.learning strategy
Step 3 Reading
1.fast-reading to finish 3a
3.True or false
Step 4 listening and explanation
1.paragragh 1
2.paragragh 2
3.paragragh 3
4.paragragh 4
Step 5 3b
Step 6 consolidation
Step 7 Writing (homework )
Step 8 sum-up
1、知識目標:使學生能聽、說、認讀shirt skirt pants blouse sweater五個單詞。
在這個環節我先與學生進行朋友式的`會話。Hi! Good morning. Boys and girls. My name is Zhang Xin.What is your name? Nice to meet you.教師就這樣面帶微笑,邊說邊走下講臺與學生握手問候。這不僅復習了舊知識,還渲染了學習英語的良好氣氛。
在熱身的時候,首先讓學生跟著節奏演唱歌曲:How Are You?播放錄音。學生一邊做動作一邊跟節奏唱,這樣使學生感到很輕松很愉快。然后老師說:It’s time for class. Are you ready? Now, we are going to learn“Unit3 Lesson 17”然后板書課題。
利用服裝來進行教學服裝的英語單詞,并用句型What is it? What are they?引出對服裝的認識(漢語),利用單詞卡片,然后老師教讀,學生跟讀,書空拼讀,并糾正錯誤的發音,提問“What colour is it?” 引導學生說短語激發了學生展示自我的意識,并為下節課的教學做鋪墊。三年級的學生英語字母的正確書寫尤為重要,激勵學生上臺在四線三格書寫,并給予獎勵。
在操練時,我首先進行了一些機械的操練活動,如“Look and Guess”看口形、猜單詞:老師不出聲說單詞,學生猜是什么單詞,猜對的學生可獲得一個獎品。接著做耳語傳話游戲:老師將單詞傳給每組的第一個學生,由第一個學生小聲往后傳,以次類推,當傳到最后一名學生時,由他大聲說出來,哪個小組最先正確無誤說出來,那個小組獲得一個獎品。
在這一階段讓一名自告奮勇的學生上臺用What is it? What are they?提問卡片上的服裝單詞,學生回答。
Step 4 Activity
將學生分成6人小組,以小組為單位,要求他們充分發揮個性和創造性,在life in a British school和life in an American school兩個主題中任選一個,用自己的語言去改編課文,然后每組推選一位同學上臺展現成果。
Step 5 Homework
Good afternoon, everyone. It’s my pleasure to be here to share my lesson with you. Now I want to talk about Junior Oxford English 8A/B Unit ___, ____________________ Reading (I)。 I’ll prepare to begin this lesson from five parts: Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedure and blackboard design. First, let me talk about the teaching material.
Part 1 Teaching Material:
(一)Status and function
This unit is about ___________. The part of the reading aims to introduce ________________
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. This lesson plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit. If the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit. As we all know, reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has a great effect on output, such as speaking and writing. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.
(二)Teaching objectives:
Knowledge objectives:
a)The Ss can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns
b)The Ss can understand the content of the lesson.
c)The Ss can use the patterns to express their ideas in the proper situation.
Ability objectives:
a)To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
b)To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.
c)To Improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.
Emotion objectives:
(三) Key points and Difficult points
Key points:
a)To help the Ss understand the whole passage
b)To master the important phrases and useful sentence structures.
Difficult points:
a) To get the ability of general reading and acquiring information.
b)To retell the text with their own words.
Part 2 Teaching Methods:
In my opinion, the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use "Communicative" Approach(交際教學法), "Whole language teaching" (整體語言教學法)and "Task-based" language teaching (任務教學法)。 To use these methods are helpful to develop the students’ abilities.
Part 3 Studying Methods:
Our students are all from the countryside. They are lack of the cultural background of the foreign countries. Some students are not active in class, and some students don’t like English. therefore, I’ll have Ss study in a relaxed atmosphere and teach the Ss how to be successful language learners. I’ll use different teaching methods to arouse students’ learning emotion. Let Ss get the knowledge actively by probe study and cooperative study.
Part 4 Teaching Procedure:
Step I Pre-reading
1. Lead-in
Ask some questions about _________________.
2. Presentation
Teach some new words in this text, tell the students to try to remember these words as quickly as possible.
3. Match some important words with their meanings.
Step II While-reading
1. Skimming: Let the Ss to read the passage quickly to get general ideas and think about two easy questions:
1) ________________________________________________?
2) ________________________________________________?
2. Scanning: Ask the Ss to read the passage again to find out more details.
3. Read the text after the tape.
4. Divide the text into three parts, try to get the main idea of each part.
Part One: boys read it and complete some T or F exercises and correct them.
Part Two: girls read it and then answer some questions in pairs.
Part Three: boys and girls read it together and fill in the blanks.
5. Read the text together with the tape .
Step III Post-reading
1. Divide the class into two groups
2.Each group read the text carefully, try to remember them.
3.Ask one student of each group to come to the front to retell the text according to the key words.
5.Make a summary
Step IV Homework
1.Do the exercises in the workbook. Check the mastering of knowledge of this lesson.
2.Read the text fluently and try to recite it.
Part 5 Blackboard Design.
As teachers, to make our English classrooms shine with vitality, we are laid with heavy burden, and we still have long way to go. Deal with the language points. Ask the students to pick out the useful expression from the text, give them more examples, and do some exercises to practice the language points. Above is the lecture notes of my lesson.
That’s all. Thank you.
Good morning,ladies and gentlemen!I am very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of myteaching ideas.The topic of this Unit is “What should I do?” from thetextbook—go for it book 8 unit 2 for junior middle school students.I’d like tosay it from 5 parts as follows:There are teaching materials,teaching methods,learningstrategies,teaching procedures and blackboard design.
Now,Let’s come to the first part—Teaching materials.It includestwo parts,status and functions of the material and the teaching content.The thingsin the text book are appropriate to students’ interests,experiencesand knowledge;provide the students with opportunities to use the target languageand stimulate students to seek further information.In unit 2,Studentswill learn to talk about problems and learn to give advice to others.So it ishelpful to improve their communicative competence.
Ok,second,teaching content,which includes four aspects,the key vocabulary,the targetlanguage,important and difficult points, and the teaching aims.About theteaching aims,in this unit,students will talk about problems which students come up with intheir daily lives and learn to use modal verbs “could” and “should” to makesuggestions.The second is ability aims,to improve thestudents’ abilities of listening,speaking and readingby providing various tasks.The last is the affection aims,that is,to help eachother and learn to cooperate.
Next,let’s come to the second part—teaching methods.Whiledealing with this lesson,I usually adopt “Task|based” teaching approach.It aims at providing opportunities for the learners to explore bothspoken and written language through learning activities.So,I will letthe students learn in real situations,fulfill severaltasks such as pair work or group work.And in this unit thecommunicative approach and the situational language approach will be adopted.And thefocus is on functional language usage and the ability of learners to expresstheir own ideas,feelings,attitudes,desires and needs.So combine these methods together,enable the studentsto receive,process and retain new information through “multipleintelligences”.
Next I’d like to talk about part three—Learning strategies.I usuallytell the students some learning strategies.For four languageskills,I also tell the students to learn efficiently through strategies.Saylistening,in my class I train the students to get the general ideals,makeprediction,make a reference,identify key words and signal words.About theword|formation and the exploitation are also very important strategies.Each studentcan be involved in the class by using the strategies which are suitable forthem.
Ok now,let’s come to the fourth part—Teaching procedures.I’ll finish mylesson in 7 steps,they are Warm up—Lead in—Pre-|task—Task—cycle—Post-task—Homework—Self-assessment.This step-by-step progression allows students to build accuracy andgain confidence with the new language.
Step1 Warm up
Watch a movie called Let’s Play.The moviewill offer the students a relaxing atmosphere and develop students’ interest inEnglish.
Step2 Lead in
Brainstorming,look at this,funnypicture.He looks very blue and depressed,what’ s wrongwith him?What should he do?This brainstorming stage is helpful in providing ideas for actualspeaking.By discussing with peers they can get a lot of informationconcerning the new topic they are going to learn.
Step3 Pre-task
In this step I introduce the topic and give the students clearinstructions on what they will have to do.So first I willprepare some vivid and beautiful pictures to present them the new words.The studentsassociate the meaning of the vocabulary and the form of it,and theyalso practice the speaking and the listening.I’ll get thestudents to do a problem|solving activity to help the students to recall somelanguage that may be useful for the task.I will make asummary to give a detailed explanation about the Grammar point—sentencestructure “should/could”.I usually try to cultivate the learner’s unconsciouscompetence,give the students more examples.In this way,I think theywill get a further understanding of the Grammar.
Step4 Task-cycle
Task 1—Pair work.I’ll ask the students to work with their partners to learn to giveadvice to different problems using the key words and the grammatical points.Task 2—Listeningpractice I designed the (1)Pre-listening activities (2) While-listening activities (3) Post-listeningactivities.Task 3—Group work.I’ll get the students act out the conversation in small groups.
Step5 Post-task
In this step,I prepared two activities.First is—Let’s think.Michael,coming fromUSA.He wants to practice his Putonghua,But he is very shy.So can yougive some advice to him?I suggest that he should get a tutor,can you give more?Make a listof your suggestions.The second is—Discussion.Let’s take a look at the screen,from the picture wecan see the children are studying and living in the very poor condition,1.What’s the matterwith these children?2.What could they do?3.What should we do? (showing pictures) Put the knowledge into the real situations,elicit thestudents to find out the most efficient ways to the problem in our country.
Step6 Homework
1.Ask your parentsabout if they have some problems.if they have,Try to give advice.
2.Make a survey aboutwho are still in trouble and try to find some solutions.
Step7 Self-assessment
In the process of teaching and learning,teachersneed to know what has been done well and what needs to be improved further;where thestudents perform well and where they still feel confused.Thediversities of classroom activities,and a welcoming andengaging learning environment will make the study easy and happy.Thus thestudents will get more experience and exploitation by doing things.
And the last Part is Blackboard design I’ll write thenew words on the left,on the right I write the target language.If possibleI’ll draw some pictures.It is terseness and easy to understand.
Thank you for listening,goodbye!
3.Ask and answer反復操練,鞏固應用in class
Hello, everyone. Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is life in the oceans taken from Lesson 63 of Unit 16 in SEFC(2). It is made up of four parts.
Part 1 My understanding of this lesson
The analysis of the teaching material:
This lesson is a reading passage. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit. Lesson 62 and Lesson 63 are a whole unit. By studying Lesson 63, Ss can improve their reading ability, learn more about the sea and the life in the oceans. At the same time, we should get the students to understand some difficult sentences to comprehend the passage better. The Ss should do some listening, speaking and writing, too. Of course, the Ss should receive some moral education. Let the Ss understand the sea better, love the sea and save the sea and the life of the sea.
Teaching aims:
1. Knowledge aim: Understand the main idea of the text.
2. Ability aim: Retell the text in their own words.
3. Emotional aim: Make the Ss love the life of the sea and do
something to stop it being polluted.
Key points / Teaching important points:
How to understand the text better.
Teaching difficult points:
1. Use your own words to retell the text.
2. Discuss the pollution of the sea and how to save the sea.
Something about the Ss:
1. The Ss have known something about the sea and sea life through the Internet and other ways.
2. They are lack of vocabulary.
3. They don’t often use English to express themselves and
communicate with others.
4. Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.
Part 2 My teaching theories, methods and aids
Before dealing with this lesson, I’ll do my best to carry out the
following theories: Make the Ss the real masters in class while the
teacher himself acts as director; Combine the language structures with the language functions; Let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.
Teaching method:
Double activities teaching method
Question-and-answer activity teaching method
Watch-and-listen activity
Free discussion method
Pair work or individual work method
Teaching aids:
1. a projector
2. a tape recorder
3. multimedia
4. the blackboard
Part 3. Teaching steps / procedures
I have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially reading ability.
The entire steps are:
Greetings, Revision, Lead-in and preparation for reading, Fast
reading(scanning), Listening, Intensive reading, Preparation for details of the text, Consolidation, Discussion, Homework
Step 1 Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step 2. Revision
1. Ask students some questions to revise the last lesson(show them on the screen).
a. How much salt do the oceans contain per thousand parts of water?(35 parts of salt. 3.5% by weight)
b. What is coral? Why are corals not found in deep water?
c. Why is the Dead Sea called the Dead Sea?
2. Check the homework(made a survey about the sea or sea life by surfing the Internet or asking for help from other people). Through this part we can consolidate what they studied yesterday, communicate with others about their survery results and prepare for the new lesson.
Step 3. Lead-in and preparation for reading
Show them some pictures and let them talk each other, and then use the pictures about sea and life in the oceans to learn new words, for example, Antarctica, huge whale, sperm whale, squid and so on.
Purpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study.
Bring in new subject: Life in the oceans.
Step 4. Fast reading
Read the passage as quickly as they can. I show the questions on the screen and let them get the main idea of each paragraph:
1. Why can living things live in such oceans around the Antarctica?
2. What does the whale feed on?
3. What is the difference between the sperm whale and other whales?
Method: Read the text individually, use question—and—answer
Purpose: Improve the students’ reading ability.
Understand the general idea of each paragraph.
Step 5. Listening(book closed)
1. Listen to the tape then do an exercise(wb page 90, part 1)
2. True or false exercise.(on the screen)
Train the Ss’ listening ability and prepare for later exercises.
Good afternoon, my dear judges, I am ______, from ______, it is my great honor to have this opportunity to talk about my teaching ideas、 My presentation consists of five parts、
Part 1The analysis of the teaching material
This lesson is a reading passage, which focused on the topic of __________________, such a topic is related to our daily life, so it is easy to arouse the Ss’ learning interests、
My teaching objectives include the following parts、
First, the knowledge objective :By the end of this lesson, Ss can learn the new words and new phrases:______________________________________其他參考活動:Debate----當話題有矛盾的雙面Discussion——當話題是討論解決問題Do a survey——調查Understand the main idea of the article; And master the usage of ___________________(某個語法點) Second, the Ability objective: skim for the main idea of the article and scan for the specific information, predict some information and understand the whole article, and enlarge the relative knowledge by reading more materials in library or from internet, write a report of the topic, etc、
Third,the emotional objective: to develop the spirit of cooperation through teamwork and pair-discussion; arouse Ss’ interest in English learning
Forth, the Cultural awareness
Fifth,the Important points: to get an overall understanding of the whole text, and develop their reading skills such as anticipating, skimming, scanning, summarizing language points…、、…(具體課型用具體例子闡述) the usage of the______________________(語法或句型)
While the Difficult points:Are enable the Ss to use the new words and phrases to express their ideas in daily life, and develop the ability of skimming and scanning、 master the usage of ____________________________(語法或句型)
Part 2 The analysis of students
The Ss have learned English for some years、 They understand some words and simple sentences、 They are curious, active, and fond of game, competition, and various activities、 They enjoy learning through cooperation in a relaxing atmosphere、
Part 3 Teaching methods
In this lesson, My teaching methods include
audio-visual teaching method, communicative teaching method, and task-based teaching methods、
Besides, a computer, blackboard, a tape recorder, a projector are needed as the teaching aids、
Part 4 Teaching procedures
There are five steps in my teaching procedures、 But before teaching, I will divide the whole class into 4 groups to do competitions while finish different tasks in this lesson、
Step 1 Warming-up and leading in (3mins)
Free talk; talk something related the topic of the article、
Brainstorming, setting the scene, show pictures etc、
Purpose: activate the Ss to regard the topic of ___________________(主題) and create a relaxing atmosphere、
Step 2 Pre-reading (10mins)
There are 3 tasks for the Ss、
(1)Do a guessing game、
(2)Show some funny pictures and sentences on PPT and then ask the Ss to
(3)Guess the meaning of the new words、
Practice the new words and phrases:
Match the new words and phrases with the Chinese meanings、
Predicting: based on the title/ pictures on the text、 (看具體情況而定)
Purpose: through guessing, to arouse Ss learning interest, and help them to learn the new words and phrases which they may come across while reading, pave the way for the following learning and cultivate the ability of anticipating、
{Meanwhile, pronunciation of some letter strings such as “ea” (pea, tea, feast、、) and “er” (cucumber…) are highlighted so as to foster students’ phonetic sensitivity、}(如果有語音教學則可滲透。)
Step 3 While- reading (15mins)
There are two tasks for the Ss、
first reading:
Ss read the article as quickly as they can and try to get the general idea by answer the following questions、
Q1: who/ when/ what/ ………、
second reading: pair-discussion
Ss read the article more carefully, and then discuss with their partners to finish the T/F exercises and fill in the table/blanks in the sentences、
A : T/F
B: Fill in blanks、
Fill in the table, make an outline of the article, find the topic sentences of each paragraph, etc、
Purpose: the two tasks are aim to develop Ss’ reading ability、 Skimming for the main idea of the article, and scanning for the specific information、 And then get a deep understanding of the article、
Step 4 Post-reading (10mins)
1)Group discussion: fill in the blanks
Ss discuss the article with their group members, and find out the language points, such as the key words, phrases, and sentence structures in the article、 And then fill in the blanks in a short passage present on the PPT、 The short passage is made up from the article, and the answers are the language points in this lesson、 After check the answers, I will help the Ss to summarize the language points、
Use the key word and phrases presented on the PPT to retell the article、
Make a report——小組合作,反饋
Purpose: Through group work, cultivate the spirit of cooperation, and train the ability of solve problem by themselves、 In class, the teacher is just a guide, while the Ss are the center, where, the teacher just join them, giving suggestions, and offering help when they need、 Meanwhile, ask the Ss to retell the article, is an output, and it can evaluates how well the Ss learned in this lesson、
Step 5 Homework (2mins)
go over today’ lesson and preview the next lesson
go to the library or search on the internet to get more extra material about this topic and then write a report、
Purpose: consolidate the language points and do prepare for the next lesson, and develop the ability of writing、
Part 5 Layout
New words new phrases語法句子
本單元的核心教學項目是“看病就醫”(Seeing the doctor ),各課圍繞這核心項目設計布置了聽、說、讀、寫活動。對話,課文和練習內容均取自于同學的日常生活,實用性強。同學們會因為此話題的趣味性和實用性而感興趣, 故能在學中用,用中學,印象深刻。
1. 在 Lesson69 課中,第一局部設計了Jill 生病的一幅情景圖,并配有一個短對話,引出Seeing the doctor 的動機。第二局部利用Puzzle dialogue形式把本單元重點話題自然地,以日常生活的活動形式出現給同學。第三局部采用Look, say and write活動,自然地引出情態動詞 have to的用法。
2. 在 Lesson 70 課中,閱讀文章Dreams 是前一課對話內容的繼續。男孩Roy老做夢,造成睡眠不佳,故前去看病就醫。閱讀前有兩個問題供同學討論,以便讓同學考慮在先,或帶著問題去閱讀。
3. Lesson 71 課是語言訓練課。第一局部是一段有關飲食與健康關系的短對話,同時也為同學提供了語言訓練的樣板。第二局部是以操練Link verb為宗旨的句型范例。第三局部是所學語言知識的自然延伸,向同學介紹二位世界著名醫學界人士Nightingale和Bethune。
4. Lesson72課是綜合練習課,它包括了圍繞著Seeing the doctor的功能話題 的聽力練習、句型操練、對話復習和寫作示范,以鞏固同學對本單元的核心話題Seeing the doctor的記憶與理解。
通過對本單元教材內容的分析,不難看出 Seeing the doctor 這一話題取自于生活,實用性強,同學容易接受,并對此興致盎然,教師也較容易激活與其相關的語言知識,所以就該話題自身而言,并不是很難,真正的重點和難點在于:
掌握有關Seeing the doctor 的習慣用語。l
能靈活運用have to 重點句型,并清楚其運用的場所和與must 的區別。l
掌握link verb的用法特點l
The words and expressionsl used in the talking “Seeing the doctor”.
The pattern : have tol
l Grammar: link verb
To develop students’ ability of listeningl and talking about “Seeing the doctor”.
To develop students’ ability ofl reading comprehension by reading the text Dreams .
To develop students’l ability of observation 、 imagination and creation.
3. 情意目標
Tol encourage students to be brave enough to speak English more in class.
Tol encourage students to keep health in order to serve the people and their country in the future.
三、 教學設想
通過診斷性評價,可了解到同學在以前的教材中,已學過了與Seeing the doctor 話題 相關的單詞和句子,如head 、eyes 、hands,、foot 、legs 等身體部位單詞和句型 What’s wrong with you ? I don’t feel well . My head hurts. etc.這為同學循序漸進地自然習得Seeing the doctor的`語言知識,鋪墊了良好的語言學習基礎。 因此,筆者根據Seeing the doctor 這個話題的交際性能強,實際運用廣等特點,將本單元的教學戰略重點定位在三個教學環節上,即,Presentation, Practice 和 Production上,將“激發興趣,激活思維,輕松導入;讀后仿說,逐層訓練,強化能力;創設情景,遷移知識,實現交際”作為本單元設計的導向。
1. Presentation-------激發興趣 ,激活思維,輕松導入。
1) Lesson 69 的導入方法
Take exercise做運動. 跟著“健康歌”的樂曲,讓同學跟著老師做健康操。l
l Play games 做游戲 . 讓同學相互之間做“Touch your nose”的游戲。
Chant 讀節奏詩.l 老師可根據課文要求,編寫與教學內容相符的小詩,歌曲等。
以上幾個活動,均與同學的原有知識the parts of the body 有關,采用這種手法進行熱身,不只復習了相關的學習內容,更主要的是讓同學在“做做、唱唱、笑笑”中進入了學習狀態,從而引出對話
——Can you take exercise like me ?
——No, I can’t. I have a headache today.
——Can you play the game with me ?
——No, I can’t. I have a cold today. etc.
——Xiao Li can’t play games with us .Do you know why?
——I know he has a cold today。
.(然后協助同學認知have a headache / a cold /a cough 等習語)
On dutyl 值日生匯報. 讓值日生創設情景,與Partner就前一單元課文 內容“Mr. Smile在家中舉行Party”,進行自由問答,然后切入主題
——Did Kate go to the party ?
——No, she didn’t.
——Why did she not go there ?
——Because she was ill.
——What was wrong?
——She had a cold . She had a cough and a headache.
——Oh ,I’m sorry to hear that .Is she better now?
2) Lesson 70 的導入方法
Story-tellingl 老師或同學進行story介紹,如
Oh, boys and girls, there is something wrong with me ,too. I didn’t sleep well last night. Do you know why?
這時,同學會由于問題的提出而活躍起來,會七嘴八舌地進行猜想,然后老師向同學描述夢境,引出生詞和詞組 dream, fall asleep, wake up 等,為引出Roy的unhappy dream,激活了思維,掃清了語言障礙。
Picture-talkingl 利用多媒體,向同學展開畫面,引導同學對dreams 進行討論和評說。
-----What is he/she doing? -----He/She is sleeping.
-----What is he/she doing while he/she is asleep? -----He/She is dreaming.
-----Did he have a good dream or a terrible one? ---.
在引出生字dream 后,協助同學就做夢與身體健康之間的關系,進行討論,在熱烈的氣氛中,自然地過渡到課文Dreams的學習上。
3) Lesson 71 導入方法
Have a quizl 做討論題。包括飲食,休息,鍛煉,健康等一些常識性問題,來吸引同學的興趣與注意,激發他們敢于質疑,大膽解疑,以引導同學通過積極投入語言實踐,逐步向新資料迫近,為Lesson 71 的第一局部有關飲食與健康的對話學習,做了必要的鋪墊。
Stick figuresl 采用簡筆畫手法,來引出新語言點link verb 的用法。如
-----What is he/she like today?
-----Is he/she happy or unhappy?
-----Do you know why he/she looks happy/unhappy? etc.
采用這種方法,不只僅是方便,直觀,能引起同學的興趣和注意力,更因為它們的恰到好處的運用,激活了同學的思維,為引出聽力資料 Mr. Brown’s trouble 做好了準備。如通過對簡筆畫的討論,把話題轉入聽力資料的內容中。
-----Is Mr. Brown happy or unhappy today, Do you want to know?
-----What’s his trouble, do you know?
2. Practice------- 讀后仿說,逐層訓練,強化能力.
同學在教師的引導下學習了新句型,新單詞以后,還必需對所學的知識進行鞏固。在沒有對新句型,新單詞等達到一定的熟練程度之前,同學很難將所學的知識應用到實際生活中去。因此,采用師生合作,生生合作,結合話題,圍繞新知識點進行對話,交流和討論等活動,讓同學獲得基本的語言能力。如在訓練句型have to 時,我設計了三個訓練程序。
師生問答 就Lesson 69的第三局部進行師問生答,并完成筆頭作業。l
生生問答 就句型Ifl you---,what do you have to do ? 進行pairwork 。
小組討論l 提供情景,加大信息量,引導同學進行groupwork. 如,
1.If your mother is ill and she can’t cook supper for you when you come back from school one day. What do you have to do ?
2.One day when you were on your way to school, You saw an accident happen. An old man was lying on the ground. He couldn’t move .What did you have to do ?
當然,根據不同的教學內容,有不同的強化訓練手段。如,對Lesson70 的閱讀文章的Practice方法是:
表層分析——復述應答:l 要求同學機械重復課文中的內容,使課文信息再現。(是非題,課后問答題,圖表填空題,競賽等)
深層剖析——推斷應答:l 要求同學利用信息,憑借經驗理解讀物的“弦外之意”。(指導性問題和細節性問題)
整體評價——自由交際:l 要求同學用所學知識,對新情景進行交際。(教師選擇恰當的,與課文相關和有關社會熱點的Topics。)
3. Production-------創設新景,遷移知識,實現交際。
Lesson 69 1)扮演(perform): 創設新的情景,如:護送運動會上受傷的同學去醫院就癥;協助交通事故中受輕傷的老大爺回家等。
2)采訪(interview): 詢問同學身體健康狀況。
Lesson 70 1)話題(topic): “_________dream”。(留有空白,讓同學自由發揮想象)
2) 扮演(perform): 采訪“老壽星”(a long-lived man/woman)活動。
Lesson 71 1)評論(comment):“Why so many fat children in our country now?”
“ Why so many students who have poor eye-sight today?
2)采訪(interview): “What do you like to eat?”
Lesson 72 1)話題(topic):“How to correctly arrange your three meals a day?”
2)活動(activity): “A school doctor is wanted”
Good morning, everyone, Today, it‘s a pleasure for me to stand here and I‘m very pleased to have such an opportunity to share some of my teaching ideas with you. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Guo Xinzhi, and I am working as an English teacher in Yong‘an Middle School, Congtai District of Handan. My topic today is taken from Lesson 37 of Unit 5 in Student Book 4. The main content of this unit is ―Go With Transportation‖, and the topic of Lesson 37 is ―Flying Donuts‖. I have decided to say the lesson from six parts:
Part One —— Analysis of the Teaching Material One:
Status and Function
1. This unit tells us the improvement of traffic transportation and the related stories. Besides learning this, students will also learn some words, phrases and expressions of traffic, and so on. In Lesson 37, Danny will introduce a new type of transportation to us, it is imaginary.
2. To attain ―four skills‖ request of listening, speaking, reading and writing, I will have the students do some exercise about the text.
3. Such a topic is very important in this unit. I will lead the students to use their imagination and encourage them to be creative. For example, helping them use English to describe their imaginary transportation. So I think if the students can learn this lesson well, it will be helpful to make them learn the rest of this unit.
4. While teaching them, I will also encourage them to say something about what they think the future transportations will be like. In a way, from practising such a topic, it can be helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken language. Two: Teaching Aims and Demands
The teaching aims basis is established according to Junior School English syllabus provision.
Knowledge objects
(1) To study the new words ―fuel‖, ―oil‖ and ―coal‖.
(2) To learn and master the phrases ―think of, on the way to …, have fun‖, etc.
Ability objects
(1) To develop the students‘ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
(2) To train the students‘ ability of working in pairs
(3) To develop the students‘ abilities of communication by learning the useful structures.
3. Moral objects
(1) Through different teaching methods to make students be interested in study.
(2) Love to know more knowledge about transportation and dare to express their opinions in English.
(3) Encourage the students to be more creative and try to make contributions to making new inventions in the future.
Three: Teaching Keys and Difficult Points The teaching keys and difficult points‘ basis is established according to Lesson 37 in the teaching materials position and function.
1. Key points:
(1).Be able to express words, phrases and sentences in English.
(2). Know about the improvement of transportation and Danny‘s invention. 2. Difficult points: Be able to talk about their imaginary future transportation in oral English. Part Two —— The Teaching Methods 1. Communicative teaching method;
2. Audio-visual teaching method;
3. Task-based teaching method;
4. Classified teaching method. As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students‘ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I‘ll mainly use ―Communicative‖ teaching method, ―Audio-visual‖ teaching method and ―Task-based‖ teaching method and ―Classified‖ teaching method. That is to say, I‘ll let the students get a better understanding of the key structures. I‘ll give the students some tasks and arrange some kinds of activities, like talking, watching CAI, and reading in roles. In a word, I want to make the students the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as director. I also hope to combine the language structures with the language functions and let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.
Part Three —— Studying ways
1. Teach the students how to be successful language learners.
2. Make situation and provide meaningful duty, encourage the students to study the text by themselves.
Part Four —— Teaching steps As this lesson plays an important part in the English teaching of this unit, I have decided the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially reading and speaking ability. The entire steps are: Step1 Warm-up and Lead-in Show the students some pictures of common transportations, like car, bike, train and so on. Ask the students: What can you see from the picture? Is there another kind of transportation around us? Purpose of my designing: In this part, have the students say more about what they see or what they don‘t see. In this way, they will know today‘s lesson has something to do with their discussion. Step2 Presentation 1. Learn new words in groups. The new word in this lesson are fuel, oil and coal. Show them pictures of these things and teach them these new words.
Purpose of my designing:
1. After seeing the pictures, the students will know what they are and they can learn them quickly and easily.
2. Play the tape recorder. Let the students listen and imitate the text. Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation. Then finish the exercises on the computer. Purpose of my designing: This step is employed to make the students get the general idea of the text. At the same time let the students have a chance to practise their listening and speaking ability.
3. Text Learning and a Quiz I‘ll use CAI to present the whole text. I‘ll write the key points on the blackboard while they are watching. After watching, I‘ll teach them to read the words and sentences on the Bb. Make sure they can read them well. After teaching them the whole text, including the meanings of new words, the use of similar expressions and so on. Get the students to try and say out some phrases on the screen, like I don‘t think so, have fun, a new kind of, on the way to school, and so on. Purpose of my designing: To present the text by CAI is much easier for the students to learn and grasp the meanings. CAI can provide a real situation with its sound and picture and it makes the relationships between the students better.
4. Key Structures and Difficult Points Learning First, I will divide the students into three groups and tell them to have a discussion about what they learn in this lesson. Then encourage them to try to understand the whole text, know what the difficult points are, and so on. At last, I will help them to master them all. For example, I teach the students know the differences between phrases think of, think about and think over. I will show them some sentences and get them to know the use of these phrases. Encourage them to do some exercise about these phrases. Purpose of my designing: By practising using these new words and similar phrases, the students will know how to use them in English and master the use of them better.
5. Read and Say Give the students two or three minutes to prepare, and then get them read the text together in three groups. Tell them to read aloud. Then help the students say something about the future transportation or their imaginary transportation. Encourage them to say more. Purpose of my designing: By reading the text and saying such things, get the students to practise their reading and speaking ability again.
Part Five —— Summarize and Homework Ask the students such questions:
What have we learned from this lesson? What does Danny say about his new kind / type of transportation? Do you like his idea? What new phrases have we learned today? Do you have enough confidence to finish these exercises? Now, let‘s try! Then show them some exercises and help them to finish them. At last, tell the students what today‘s homework is. While doing this, the teacher can have the boys and girls have a competition to see who are better.
Part Six —— Blackboard Designing Lesson 37 Flying Donuts Language points:
1.think of認為,想起; think over仔細考慮; think out想出
2.at/in the front of在……前面(部)/ in front of在……前面
3.on the way to school在上學的路上/ on one‘s way home在回家路上
4. With用…… Purpose of my designing: Presents the text key content clearly on the blackboard, favors the students to knowledge grasping. OK. That’s all.
Thanks for listening to me and helping me.
Well, good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I am very happy to meet you all here. Today,I am going to present Unit 12 Writing. Well, please look at the teaching material together. Well, this is a letter in the book. Students are required to read it through, have a look at it, try to write a letter to Zhao Jie, a boy who doesn’t like any subjects at all. [Presenting the 2nd PPT about the given letter.]
Well, I think my teaching aims should include the proper form of English letter, and second, how to write a letter in an idiomatic way. [Presenting the 3rd PPT about the teaching aims.]Well, to achieve these goals, I am going to arrange my teaching step by step [Presenting the 4th PPT about the teaching procedures]. Well, these are the steps, since so many, let me make it simple, actually, they are words, sentences and paragraphs. As we know that articles consist of words and sentences. So first, I would like to talk about the words. That is also the first step---revision. Well, you know, students have learned the names of the subjects in the former lessons. So, I am going to review the words by playing games with them. Here comes the first game: who can write more? [Presenting the 5th PPT about the 1st game]I am going to divide the students into two groups, for example boys and girls. They are given two minutes to rush to the blackboard and write down the subjects they know. The group which can write more will be the winner. Imagine how excited the students are, and at the same time, they are also reviewing the words. Well, what’s more, you may have noticed these two subjects, Physics and Chemistry. [Presenting the 6th PPT about the result of the game] Actually, these two subjects are not in this book. So, in this way, we can know that some students are showing us how much they know and all the students can also enlarge their vocabulary at the same time. Well, after words, I would like to turn to sentences. Here comes the second game, who can make it longer? [Presenting the 7th PPT about the 2nd game] I am going to give students a word, for example subject. Which students can make it longer? Well, you please. Favorite subject. Good. A phrase appears. Longer? You please. My favorite subject is English. Well, a sentence appears. Even longer? My favorite subject is English, I like it very much, it is so interesting. [Presenting the 8th PPT about the answers of the game]Well, you can see students are constructing words into sentences step by step. Well, this is the revision part. After that, it is time to read. From now, I am going to show students the given material so soon. Actually, instead, I am going to show them those separated pieces. They should put them into the correct order[Presenting the 9th PPT about the reordering task]. You know before the lesson, I divided the whole letter into these four parts, why do I bother to do this? Well, you can see, in this way, students can put more attention to how to begin and how to end a letter. Then, they have a time, can have a chance to read through the whole article[Presenting the 10 th PPT about the reading material]. Well, at the same time, they should also pick out those well used words and sentences, and share them with the whole class. Then, they have a discussion “what information can we use? [Presenting the 11th PPT about the discussion task]Why talking about subjects? Of course, it is easy for them to find these information like these three ones ( time & day, teacher, reason ), because they are in the letter. But what else? Students need to think about that. Well, why? As we know it is easy to copy, but difficult to create. Sometimes, the given material gives us a good example, but sometimes, they may also limit students’ ideas. So they need to go further. As some teachers may prefer to offer the answers directly to the students. But I am not. I think teaching students how to learn is much more important than just teaching knowledge. So students should think about that by themselves. Well, this part is also a brainstorm to them. Till now, they have known so much. Since that, they should be given a chance to put what they’ve known into practice. So I prepare two practices[Presenting the 12th PPT about the 2 practices]. Practice number one, students have a Free Talk about their favorite subjects, if they can express themselves fluently and naturally, they won’t have much difficulty in writing them down. Well, second practice will be the real writing. They are given eight minutes to write a letter to Zhao Jie[Presenting the 13th PPT about the beginning of the letter]. Well, when they finish writing, six students get into a group, they exchange their letters and try to correct mistakes. Why they should do that? Well, teachers may have noticed that not many students have the habit of rewriting and correcting mistakes when they finish writing, and I want them to realize this is also very important.
Ok, after that, each group chooses two representatives, the best one and the one who has made great progress. Which two? I think not only those advanced students but also the less advanced students should be given a chance to show how good they are. Well, for example, yes, after that, some representative come to the front and show their letters to the whole class, but you can think it is a projector like this. This is a student’s letter and when all students finish writing it, they are welcomed to give comments. It is so-so, good or great. So which one? Can you find any beautifull sentences here? They are welcomed to give their ideas. Well, here comes the last part[Presenting the 14th PPT about the homework]. Last part will be the homework. They can either write me an email or have a talk with some one or write an article about his or her favorite . I think both of these are highly connected with our daily life. So, students must be very interested. Ok, so that is all. Thank you very much!
Questions:Anyhow, I appreciate your teaching, and allow me to say so. My question is “ how do you check the achievements of the homework you send to your pupils?
Answer:Well, about this question, I think, first, still the group work. They should exchange their letters and each group should also choose two representatives and hand in the letters or the articles they have written to me, and I correct them by myself. And then, put all these representatives’ works on the wall and show them to the whole class. By this way. Thank you!
課題:unit7 where would you like to visit?
各位領導老師:大家好,今天我說課的題目是初中英語人教板九年級unit7. where would you like to visit ?本課的中心話題是旅游。通過熟悉我們周圍的旅游勝地來開闊眼界,豐富自己的閱歷,使自己養成勤于思考,善于總結的好習慣。整個說課我將分成五個大部分進行講述:即教材分析、教學方法、學習方法、教學環節的設計、教學程序。
A:掌握would like to和hope to句型,通過練習和運用加以鞏固.
B:掌握詞匯:thrilling peaceful tiring boring
where would you like to visit ?
I would like to visit U.S.A. I hope to visit U.S.A. I would love to visit U.S.A.
1.重點:根據新目標對口語會話能力的要求,我確定本課重點為:掌握有關國家和地點的詞匯和相關的詞組,能夠比較流利地描述一個自己想去的地方,運用名型I would like to I hope to 。
用多媒體向學生出示一張世界地圖,通過世界地圖讓學生復習以前增經學過的國家和地名,并教授本課的新單詞,如:Brazil Florida Amazom Niagara falls
同樣,利用課件中的圖片引入句型:where would you like to visit ? I would like to visit U.S.A. Why would you like to visit U.S,A ? Because it is beautiful 。然后放手讓學生給出不同的回答,同時,展示一些城市的圖片,讓學生操練句型,以達到熟練掌握地圖的目。
初中英語說課稿 初中英語說課稿02-21
初中英語說課稿《Unit 6 At a Farm》 說課稿04-05