1. Get interested
Make no mistake. Your interest in the subject is the essentialdriver of success. You can"t learnwhat you do not want to learn.Emotion is an important part of the learning process. If youareeven moderately interested in a subject, give yourself a chance.The key is to get started. Ifyou can create some pleasurableroutines, you may find that the subject grows on you. “L’appetitvient en mangeant” (the appetite comes with eating) as they say inFrench。
2. Expect problems and you won’t bedisappointed。
Don't expect to understand things, much less remember them,the first time you study them.Trust that things will get cleareras your brain comes to grips with new information. It is likeajig-saw puzzle or a cross-word puzzle. As you start to put thepieces together, or string thewords together, the full https://p.9136.com/28es clearer. The brain learns all the time, but on itsownschedule. Learning does not take place according to a schedule laiddown by a curriculumor teacher. Some things are easier to learnthan others. Some things just take longer to click in.Keep at it,and you will gradually find that things that seem difficult atfirst, will become secondnature with time。
3. Cover the same ground from differentangles。
Your brain is struggling to form patterns to cope with newinput from your learning activities.Sometimes, no matter how longyou focus on one subject, your brain is not going to pick it up.Ifyou are stuck, move on. Then cover the same general informationfrom a different source, adifferent book, or a podcast, or anonline
lecture or a video. Try to become a grazing learner,roamingthe countryside, rather than a feedlot learner, just standing therein one spot, munchingon the same bale of hay. The broader yourbase, the easier it is to learn. Just as the “rich getricher”, themore you know, the more you can learn。
4. Be a multimedia learner。
The more varied your learning content, and the more varied theways in which you learn, theclearer the puzzle will become.Different learning activities suit
different people, at differenttimesof the day. Vary your activities in order to keep yourinterest level up. Even if listening andreading work best for you,treat yourself to the odd video lecture, or get-together withotherlearners. This will renew your batteries。
5. Anytime is learning time。
Take full advantage of the Internet, iTunes, and variousmobile devices, not to mention goodold-fashioned books andmagazines. Learn during “dead time”. Listen in your car, on thetrain, orwhile jogging. Have your learning with you while waitingin the doctor's office, or listen whilechecking out at thesupermarket. Anytime is learning time. Remember, you are learningthroughexposure, not by nailing things down. It is more likemoisture accumulation in a cloud, ratherthan building a brickwall。
一定要好好利用互聯網、iTunes和其他多種移動便攜設備,更不用說書籍和雜志這樣的傳統學習資源啦!把那些“死時間”也都利用起來:開車、坐火車、或者慢跑時都可以聽課。在醫院排隊、或是超市等結賬的時候你有沒有在聽課呢?其實隨時都可以是學習時間。記住,你要與學習材料耳鬢廝磨來學習,而不是痛苦地一點一點去啃材料。這個過程更像是一朵云的形成,是水汽的一點點累計;而不像砌一面墻那樣,把磚堆上去就好。 網絡課程最大的優勢就在于“隨時隨地”!只要有網絡,學習時間由你定。有的人適合早起,一清早最有效率;可有的人就是天生的夜貓子,早晨的學習效率無論如何都高不起來。現在都不用擔心了,你完全可以按照適合自己的時間點來調節、來學習。
6. Join learning communities。
The “loneliness of the distance learner” is a thing of thepast. Join a learning community on theweb, where members sharetheir knowledge and experience. Search for the communities thatsuityour interests and learning style. You will
findencouragement, advice and stimulus from fellowlearners, as well asfrom tutors, teachers and coaches. In these communities, you canmeasureyour progress against your own goals, or compare yourexperience with that of other learners.You can even teach and helpothers, which is a great way to learn。