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  • 畢業典禮兩分鐘英語演講稿

    時間:2023-03-22 13:33:04 英語演講稿 我要投稿
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      On the other hand, my other son, Hunter, who heads the World Food Program USA, graduated from Yale Law School. (Applause.) Now, he thought it’s a great idea. But then again, law graduates always think all of their ideas are great ideas. (Laughter.)

      By the way, I’ve had a lot of law graduates from Yale work for me. That's not too far from the truth. But anyway, look, the truth of the matter is that I have a lot of staff that are Yale graduates, several are with me today. They thought it was a great idea that I speak here.

      As a matter of fact, my former national security advisor, Jake Sullivan, who is teaching here at Yale Law School, trained in international relations at Yale College, edited the Yale Daily News, and graduated from Harvard -- excuse me, Freudian slip -- Yale Law School. (Laughter.) You’re lucky to have him. He’s a brilliant and decent and honorable man. And I miss him. And we miss him as my national security advisor.

      But he’s not the only one. My deputy national security advisor, Jeff Prescott, started and ran the China Law Center at Yale Law School. My Middle East policy advisor and foreign policy speechwriter, Dan Benaim, who is with me, took Daily Themes -— got a B. (Laughter.) Now you know why I go off script so much. (Laughter and applause.)


      In their flattering invitation letter, they asked me to bring along a sense of humor, speak about my commitment to public service and family, talk about resiliency, compassion, and leadership in a changing world. Petty tall order. (Laughter.) I probably already flunked the first part of the test.

      But with the rest let me say upfront, and I mean this sincerely, there’s nothing particularly unique about me. With regard to resilience and compassion, there are countless thousands of people, maybe some in the audience, who’ve suffered through personal losses similar to mine or much worse with much less support to help them get through it and much less reason to want to get through it.

      It’s not that all that difficult, folks, to be compassionate when you’ve been the beneficiary of compassion in your lowest moments not only from your family, but from your friends and total strangers. Because when you know how much it meant to you, you know how much it mattered. It’s not hard to be compassionate.


      Great to see you all. (Applause.) Thank you very, very much.

      Jeremy and Kiki, the entire Class of 20xx, congratulations and thank you for inviting me to be part of this special day. You’re talented. You’ve worked hard, and you’ve earned this day.

      Mr. President, faculty, staff, it’s an honor to be here with all of you.

      My wife teaches full-time. I want you to know that -- at a community college, and has attended 8,640 commencements and/or the similar versions of Class Day, and I know they can hardly wait for the speaker to finish. (Laughter.) But I’ll do my best as quickly as I can.

      To the parents, grandparents, siblings, family members, the Class of 20xx —- congratulations. I know how proud you must be. But, the Class of 20xx, before I speak to you —- please stand and applaud the ones who loved you no matter what you’re wearing on your head and who really made this day happen. (Laughter and applause.) I promise you all this is a bigger day for them than it is for you. (Laughter.)

      When President Obama asked me to be his Vice President, I said I only had two conditions: One, I wouldn’t wear any funny hats, even on Class Day. (Laughter.) And two, I wouldn’t change my brand. (Applause.)


      Well, good morning, everyone. Hello, WashU, how is everyone doing?

      Let me start with the most important words I can say today: Congratulations to the distinguished graduates of the great Class of 20xx.

      I’d like to welcome everyone here – and Chancellor Wrighton for extending the invitation. I’ve known the chancellor for more than a decade, and I want to congratulate him for everything he has done to both transform this campus and raise academic standards.

      If there are…if there are any older alumni present, be glad you applied back when you did. I can just tell you that certainly I would not have gotten into WashU today. For the record, I was the kind of student who always made the top half of the class possible.

      Graduates, it’s a great honor to be your Commencement speaker. I accept the fact that I wasn’t your first choice. But unfortunately, T-Pain couldn’t make it. Mandatory vocal rest, he said. Actually, that’s the same reason I didn’t go out last night and sing karaoke at T’s.

      Today’s a beautiful day. But this is St. Louis, and so before leaving my hotel this morning, I also packed a winter parka.

      I drove over here, and I was lucky: I found a very convenient parking space – on West Campus – so I took the shuttle over. It was worth it. What an amazing place this is. Where else could I see the bunny? And the DUC.

      Still, I was disappointed that, in all my walking around, I did not get to see the school’s most famous icon: Ninja Turtle Backpack Guy. Demetri, way to dance to your own beat.


      Actually, being Vice President to Barack Obama has been truly a great honor. We both enjoy getting out of the White House to talk to folks in the real America -— the kind who know what it means to struggle, to work hard, to shop at Kiko Milano. (Laughter and applause.) Great choice. (Laughter.)

      I just hope to hell the same people responsible for Kiko’s aren’t in charge of naming the two new residential colleges. (Laughter and applause.)

      Now, look, folks, I spent a lot of time thinking about what I should day to you today, but the more I thought about it, I thought that any Class Day speech is likely to be redundant. You already heard from Jessie J at Spring Fling. (Laughter.) So what in the hell could I possibly say. (Laughter.)

      Look, I’m deeply honored that Jeremy and Kiki selected me. I don't know how the hell you trusted them to do that. (Laughter.) I hope you agree with their choice. Actually I hope by the end of this speech, they agree with their choice. (Laughter.)


      Of course, some people say defending the indefensible is just politics as usual, but I don’t accept that – and I hope you won’t, either.

      When extreme partisanship replaces reason, logic, facts and data, the country suffers – and special interests win. I’ve seen it time and time again, on issue after issue: gun violence, education, public health, and even one that threatens life as we know it: climate change.

      Yesterday, I stood with WashU’s next chancellor, Andrew Martin, and the president of Ohio State University to announce that Bloomberg Philanthropies will help sponsor the first-ever climate summit of Midwestern universities next year right here on this campus.

      We were joined by your mayor here, Lyda Krewson, because St. Louis, and WashU, has never…has always been a real leader on climate change.

      Last year, this city was one of the winners of a climate competition my foundation ran. And we are now providing about $2.5 million of resources to help St. Louis increase energy efficiency and expand solar power – a goal that WashU is helping the city to achieve. Thank you very much.


      Universities have a critical role to play in helping our country tackle this challenge, and I want to thank everyone at WashU who has been part of that work.

      There really is no time to waste. The problems driven by climate change are getting worse – and that’s something you’ve seen right here during your lifetime.

      The recent Mississippi River floods have affected life in St. Louis and they have devastated farmers across the Midwest. Those types of natural disasters will continue to get more severe with climate change, according to the best scientific data.

      The trouble is too many politicians aren’t interested in hard science. They’re only interested in political science and winning their next election. So they ignore the data, they try to cut funding for climate research – because they know it will undermine their political argument. Sometimes they even try to block public employees from uttering the words – climate change.

      You can’t make this stuff up. You just have to wonder, what are they trying to hide? And the only conclusion I have drawn is that they’re either hiding their own ignorance or their own bad faith.

      Either way, when government tries to gag scientists and censor our conclusions, watch out and speak up.


      You have earned the endorsement of those who have come before you and we expect that you will honor the legacy of improving the world by your contributions in [the] years to come.

      And while it may not be easy to determine your passion or decipher your purpose, we will always be here to support you as you navigate this experience we call ‘life’.

      We will always be here not just to tell you, but to show you that the only way around adversity isn not around it at all; it is straight through it.

      So, expect adversity – expect adversity, excuse me. Invite it. And embrace it. Because it will be your greatest asset. It will help you be a better human being. It will teach you the same thing my mother taught me…that no morth and prosper!"

      atter how bad you feel, that even at your lowest point, you got this.

      Because Dukies…Dukies hear clearly, graduates, Dukies are like titanium. We might be dented on every side, but we are never crushed. And in the final analysis, we are "forever Duke".


      In sports, we call for "fresh legs" when our health is on the decline, when our bodies are met with dis-ease, or when veteran players get sick or tired. I would submit that my generation, most of your parents’ cohort, is the veterans and frankly, we are winded. We’ve been in the game since the clock started. Now, don’t get it twisted. W still got it. Thank you for that. But we still need your enthusiasm, your emotional intelligence and your energy to impact the field of play in this game we call life.

      So let’s wrap this thing up – you ready? I asked you: were you ready? Because it’s time to move on to the really exciting conferring of degrees! Somebody say amen.

      So let me leave you with this.

      Duke is a very special place. To get in is no small feat, but to get out is a real accomplishment.

      Every one of you graduates is to be commended for your hard work and effort to this point. From our youngest grad at 20 years old to our most seasoned grad at 72, somebody say amen, you are all awesome and we are truly proud to welcome you into the Duke Family!


      In all seriousness, the board back then made an inspiring decision to choose Washington. And anyone who thinks this school is in D.C. or near Seattle clearly hasn’t been paying attention.

      It seems fitting that an institution named for Washington has played such an important role in presidential elections in recent decades. WashU has hosted a number of nationally televised debates, including the last one you saw in 20xx.

      Hosting a presidential debate is an experience that few schools or students get. But I can’t stand here and tell you it provided a great civics lesson. I wish I could.

      Instead of focusing on the critical issues facing the country, that debate was more about locker room talk and ‘lock her up.’ Lincoln-Douglas, I think it’s fair to say, it was not.

      And that brings me to the topic du jour. It would be easy to blame the candidates or the moderators for the poor quality of that debate. But the problem runs much deeper.


      you -- you’re on the cusp of some of the most astonishing breakthroughs in the history of mankind -— scientific, technological, socially —- that’s going to change the way you live and the whole world works. But it will be up to you in this changing world to translate those unprecedented capabilities into a greater measure of happiness and meaning -— not just for yourself, but for the world around you.

      And I feel more confident for my children and grandchildren knowing that the men and women who graduate here today, here and across the country, will be in their midst. That’s the honest truth. That's the God’s truth. That's my word as a Biden.

      Congratulations, Class of 20xx. And may God bless you and may God protect our troops. Thank you.


      All across America – at family gatherings, in social settings and workplaces, on college campuses, and certainly on social media, Americans are losing the ability to conduct civil and productive dialogue with those who hold different political views.

      And that has profound effect…profound implications for our ability to function as a society. After all, when you can’t talk with one another, you can’t understand one another. When we can’t understand one another, we can’t work together. When we can’t work together, we can’t do anything, at least not anything big and important.

      We face a lot of hard challenges in America today – from climate change to gun violence, to failing schools to the opioid epidemic, and on campuses, from the frightening trend towards racism, sexism, hatred, anti-Semitism and intolerance of unpopular views and opinions.

      To have any hope of overcoming these challenges, we have to start by reclaiming our civic dialogue from those who are debasing and degrading it – and preventing us from getting things done.

      All of you can help do that – no matter what your politics are and no matter what line of work you pursue later on. Maybe your passion is science or education, or the arts or education, or medicine or health care, or business. There is not a single issue that isn’t affected by political debates. And there is not a single issue that isn’t threatened by the breakdown in our civic discourse.


      as a student here, I was blessed to have the extraordinary Duke Health System looking after me – somebody say Amen for the Duke Health System. But this isn’t accessible to everyone. What we have here is an anomaly, when it should be what we’re all accustomed to.

      As the President of a Level 1…yeah, come on now. Give it up. As the President of a Level 1 Trauma Center’s Foundation, I saw firsthand the physical and financial devastation which can overwhelm an individual and their family when basic healthcare is not available or accessible. Chronic conditions run rampant. Genetic disorders go undiagnosed and contagious conditions, like the measles’ outbreak we’re currently experiencing, stop being the exception and instead become an epidemic.

      But it is through deliberate exposure that we develop empathy for those who appear different than us, that we see that adversity is all-encompassing. Those house calls were not accidental from my father. They weren’t because he couldn’t find a sitter or because he thought I was bored. They were there to prepare me and to open my eyes to the simple fact: But there, but for the grace of the universe, anyone of us could be adversely affected.

      That’s why it is incumbent upon each of us – each of you – to not only get out of your comfort zones, but find the power in discomfort itself. And sustain your own health so that you can not only help assuage the discomfort of others, but so that you can lead an informed and compassionate life.


      Graduates, you’re probably asking yourself some big, important questions right now on this important day, like how am I going to make a living? Will I ever have a mattress as nice as the one I had in the Forty? Will I ever again experience the magic of free Uber rides?

      And the biggest question of all, after Chancellor Wrighton retires, will he still wear double-breasted suits? I’m going to say yes to that one.

      Today, you’ll have to say farewell to many of the things that served as your support system and that got you through these stressful times, like Ted Drewes, toasted ravs, John’s Donuts, gooey butter cake. Thank goodness, WashU has also one of the world’s best medical centers.

      Now, before I go any further, let me take a moment to congratulate another group who is here today and does deserve a lot of credit, and I’m talking about your parents and your family. What about a nice round of applause for them?

      They’re out there beaming, not even thinking about the cost of tuition, and I’m sure they are just thrilled that some of you will be moving back into their basements.

      Wherever you’re headed in the days and months ahead, I want to leave you with some food for thought, so let me turn to the real message of my speech.


      So if…even if you hate politics – and there are certainly plenty of good reasons to hate politics these days – you will have to engage in political dialogue, if only to survive Thanksgiving dinner with your crazy uncle. And you will have to judge the arguments made by candidates if you are going to vote intelligently.

      The question I hope you will ask yourself [is]: on what basis will you make those judgments?

      It would be natural to think that a degree from one of America’s top colleges has prepared you as a skilled judge of political debates. But unfortunately, a recent study found that the smartest and most knowledgeable voters can actually be the worst judges. And the reason is they are most likely to make judgments based on which party is making the argument rather than on the argument itself.

      Now, I know what you’re thinking. ‘I would never do that,’ you say. But it happens unconsciously all the time. People have a tendency to assume the worst about those on the other side of the aisle. And when it comes to those on your side, they tend to see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. And that’s why – you can applaud if you want – that’s why educated and knowledgeable people excuse these actions that are ethically wrong and defend statements that are blatant lies.











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