- 相關推薦
1. You can be as mad as a mad dog at the way things went,you can curse the fates but when it comes to the end,you have to let go..........
你可以像瘋狗那樣對周圍的一切憤憤不平,你可以詛咒你的命運,但是等到最后一刻到了之時,你只能輕輕放手。— —《返老還童》
2.You never know what's coming for you!
你永遠也不清楚... 接下來會發生什么
3.We're meant to lose the people we love. How else would we know how important they are to us?
4.When you are not getting older, but more and more young, it will go through all the people you love than you die. We are doomed to lose our loved one, or else how can they know for us is so important? This is also the significance of losing it.
5.Everyone to some extent, all have a different understanding, but we finally go the same place, but just a different path。
6.For what it's worth, it's never too late, or in my case, too early, to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same. There's no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you are not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.
7. Plenty times you be alone. You different like us, it's gonna be that way. But I tell you a little secret. Fat people,skinny people, tall people, white people... they just as alone as us... But they scaredshitless... Not a thing wrong with being alone... no sir...
8.I'm blind in the one eye...I can't hardly hear...I get twitches and shakes out of nowhere... I lose my line of thought... but you know what... God keeps reminding me I'm lucky to bealive...
9.It isn't how well you play, it's how you feel about what you're playing...
10. I kept waiting, thinking I would do something to change my circumstance... Do something... But I never did... It's an awful waste, you can never get it back... wasted time...mply say goodbye... Those are the rules...
11、We're meant to lose the people we love. How else would we know how important they are to us? 我們注定要失去我們所愛的人,要不然我們怎么知道他們對我們有多么的重要。 《返老還童》
12、我們最終都要失去最愛的人,不然怎么知道他在我們的生命中有多重要 《返老還童》
13、有些時候我覺得很好笑,那些在我們記憶里占據很小一部分的人,你竟然一輩子都忘不掉。 Sometimes, I find it laughable that those in our memory occupy a small fraction of people are often left us with a most impressive. 《本杰明·巴頓奇事》
14、我希望你有時能駐足于這個令你感到驚嘆的世界,體會你從未有過的感覺。我希望你能見到其他與你觀點不同的人們。我希望你能有一個值得自豪的人生。如果你想象的生活不一樣,我希望你能有勇氣重新啟程。 《返老還童》
15、孤獨并不可怕,可怕的是恐懼孤獨。 《返老還童》
16、一件事無論太晚或者對于我來說太早,都不會阻攔你成為你想成為的那個人,這個過程沒有時間的期限,只要你想,隨時都可以開始,要改變或者保留原狀都無所謂,做事本不應該有所束縛,我們可以辦好這件事卻也可以把它搞砸,但我希望最終你能成為你想成為的人。 《返老還童》
17、只要是有意義的事 再晚去做都是有意義的 做你想做的人 這件事 沒有時間限制 只要你愿意 什么時候都可以開始 你能從現在開始改變 也可以一成不變 這件事 沒有規矩可言 你能活出最精彩的自己 也可能搞得一團亂 我希望 你能活出最精彩的自己 我希望 你能見識到令你驚奇的事物 我希望 你能體驗從未有過的情感 我希望 你能遇見一些想法不同的人 我希望 你為你自己的人生感到驕傲 如果你發現自己還沒有做到 我希望 你有勇氣 重頭再來 --本杰明寫給女兒的信 《返老還童》
18、我知道這世上有人在等我,盡管我不知道他是誰。但是因為這樣,我每天都非常快樂。 《返老還童》
19、每個人在某種程度上都對自己有不同的認識,但是我們最后都會往同一個地方,只是走的路不同罷了。你也有屬于你的路。 Everybody feels different about themselves one way or another. But we are going the same way...you are on your own road. 《本杰明·巴頓奇事》