- 相關推薦
First March-In (From this moment)
Standby dry ices / poppers along the aisle
Coordinator to inform banquet manager to standby 10min before 1st November-In and signal “OK” to MCs.
Opening Speech & 1st March-In (8:00pm)
MC:A very good evening to all the beautiful ladies & gentlemen. I’m_______. This is my partner _________. Thank you for taking time off your busy schedule to attend the wedding of___________,son of Mr & Mrs __________and _________,daughter of Mr & Mrs __________.
MC:On behalf of the wedding couple and their parents,we would like to express their heartfelt gratitude for your presence at this joyous occasion.
MC:Before we invite the couple to join us in the ballroom,allow us to take you through the life journey of __________ and_________from childhood to falling in love with each other,through a short video clip.
MC:Please sit back,relax,and enjoy.
Video Presentation
MC:We hope you have enjoyed the video clip. Tonight is indeed an occasion that we have all been looking forward to,especially for________and________,who at this very moment are waiting to make their grand entrance. So without further ado,let us all rise and give our warmest welcome to the newly weds!
MC:我們等待已久的時刻 終於到了。讓我們大家一起以最熱烈的掌聲來歡迎這對新人入席。
(When couple start to go up the stage)
MC:We shall now invite__________and__________on stage for the Cake Cutting Ceremony.
Cake Cutting Ceremony (8.05pm)
v Commencement of Dinner (8.10pm)
MC:Thank you_____________. May all the guests be seated. Theres plenty of good food and wine in store for you. Please sit back and relax and enjoy this lovely evening. Dinner shall be served shortly.
MC:謝謝新人。請大家就坐。晚宴即將開始,請大家盡情享用! 如有怠慢之處 還請大家多多包含。
(Procession to first dinner course)
After 3rd Course,2nd March-In (8.45pm)
MC:Dear all,tonight is indeed a very special occasion for_______ and_______. Once again on behalf of the couple and their parents,I would like to thank all of you for your precious time in gracing this dinner reception tonight.
MC:Now,all those who were not present in the morning ceremony might want to share the couple’s joy and happiness,don’t we? And that’s what we are going to do now. We would now be showing you some of the happy scenes that were captured from this morning.
MC:我相信各位都很有興趣知道今天新郎迎娶新娘時的情形吧? 我們已把今早的過程捕捉下來。現在就讓我們一起來分享這對新人的喜悅吧!
MC:Please enjoy!
Morning Photo Montage
MC:Let us now all stand again to welcome the lovely bride and groom on stage for the Champagne Pouring Ceremony.
2nd March-In (The Prayer – Charlotte Church & Josh Groban)
Champagne Fountain Ceremony (9.25pm)
Couple pop champaign and begin pouring.
MC:Anyone know about the significance of the Champagne Pouring Ceremony?
MC:Let’s invite this lovely couple to offer a toast to each other.May they enjoy everlasting marital bliss!
“Yum Seng”
MC:Now let us invite the couple’s parents,immediate family members and friends to the stage for the toasting ceremony. Not forgetting the “YAM SENG” party. You know who you are so come up now!
(Parents,families and friends stream to the stage. When all are ready…)
Brothers to take over microphone
YAM…SENG… (3x)
MC:Thank you. Please be seated.
MC:謝謝! 請各位就座。
End of Dinner (10.45pm)
MC:Dear guests,we have now come to the end of the wedding banquet. Thank you all very much for your presence tonight. We hoped you have all enjoyed the dinner and may you have a pleasant evening. Thank you!
Judge:I think its time for the wedding to begin. 好,時間差不多了。 Judge:All right,ladies and gentleman. Please take your place. The wedding ceremony is about to begin.
Judge:OK,(Sb.) start the music.
[the music and ceremony begin.]
Judge:Dearly beloved,we are gathered here today
to join this man and this woman in holy matriomony.
Do either of you have any reason why you should not
legally be joined in marriage?
大家好,我們今天在這里出席這位男士和這位女士的神圣的婚禮。請問你們倆彼此當中,位有誰有什么理由認為你們的婚盟不合法嗎? Is there anyone present who can show any just cause
why these two people should not be legally joined in
在場的各位當中,有誰能提供正當的`理由,指出這兩位的婚姻不合法嗎? (如果任何人知道有什么理由使得這次婚姻不能成立,就請說出來)
Then,(full name of the bridegroom here),do you take (full name of the bride here)
to be your lawful,wedded wife?
bridegroom:I do.
新郎: 我愿意。
Judge:And you,(full name of the bride here),do you take (full name of the bridegroom here)
to be your lawful,wedded husband?
好,(新娘正式姓名),你愿意接受(新郎正式姓名),作為你的合法丈夫嗎? Bride:I do.
新娘: 我愿意。
Judge:The rings,please.